Current and Previous Placement Opportunities


POSTED 20th January 2025

(ONSSR 074) A chance to get signed to a “Major Label” – Compensation to be agreed.

Having worked in the music business for a lot of years, I am very lucky to know a lot of people in the business. My (TV) agent for instance is a former head of Warner. With this in mind I got talking over Christmas to once such contact and he has agreed to take a listen to a handful of my artists / writers / bands with a view to a potential offer being made.

With regards to the label, think Sony Music Group, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group etc. That’s the level we are talking about.

This is a HUGE opp to have your music listened to by a senior A&R, at a major label, who can on his say so, get you signed. Bottom line, for 99.9% of artists – you will never get an opportunity like this.

It’s that simple, Please select 3 tracks that you feel represents you well and also please send your choice of direct contact (email or telephone) as if he is interested, he will reach out to you personally and directly on or by the date given below.

The label covers all genres, so this is all about blowing him away with your music.

Best of luck and please please be sure to submit to this one!

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 23rd of May 2025 with successful bands / artists or writers being notified on or by the 17th of July 2025.


POSTED 20th January 2025

(ONSSR 073) New Asian music app requires opening music hook – $40k for one partial plus potential residuals.

A new Asian (Far East) music app needs a 3 to 5 second music hook that plays as the app is opened.

The company have told us.

Hey Mr Stuart. Lee has told us you may be able to bring us a 3 to 5 second hook which going to play when our new music streaming app launches on persons phone. We want to bring this from not known artist with not known track. Rest of details below. Thank you Mr Stuart

This opp is open to all genres and can be with vocals or instrumentals. The only “no’s” are no explicit lyrics and no covers. You can send up to 5 tracks. Please can you give timings of the 3 to 5 seconds you want to submit assuming it is an existing track you are proposing. You therefore do not have to clip out the portions of the track, just let us know when they occur.

The payment will be a minimum of $40k with a potential residual payment / payments subject to negotiations.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 27th of July 2025 with successful bands / artists or writers being notified on or by the 14th of August 2025.


POSTED 20th January 2025

(ONSSR 072) Big budget movie requires around a dozen “background” tracks – $35,000 per track.

A 2025 Heist / Thriller movie needs around 12 background tracks which will all be music playing in locations – locations to include bars, cars, clubs, diners, bowling alley, store, (airport) car rental and 3 home locations (on the radio and a phone) etc – so these tracks are not music to build tension etc, these are everyday tracks to be being played at the above locations as part of the movie.

It is therefore open to all genres, and can be with or without vocals, explicit lyrics are fine, as are covers.

$35k per track / partial is a nice sum, so please be sure to get your best tracks submitted for this one.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this movie and you can get more than 1 placement and therefore multiple payments.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 14th of August 2025 with successful bands / artists or writers being notified on or by the 17th of September 2025.


POSTED 20th January 2025

(ONSSR 071) National childcare (non US) company needs multiple tracks for new campaign – $20k per track.

A fun spin on an advertising campaign for a non US childcare company. The adverts will run on TV and online.

The campaign is built around “Every child is different”. The concept being the journey of 4 very different children with very different music playing in their cars. So we could have classical in 1, hip hop in another, synth pop in a third, while metal blares in a 4th. Ultimately we will later see 4 children all enjoying their care despite coming from very different backgrounds.

Tracks can be any genres, but must be radio edits if explicit. Tracks with or without vocals are fine, as are covers.

You can submit up to 4 tracks and remember it is the quality and not the genre that will land this placement.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 6th of June 2025 with successful bands / artists or writers being notified on or by the 16th of July 2025.


POSTED 19th December 2024

(ONSSR 070) International Platform Company planning a 2025 “Levelling Up” Campaign – $20,000 per track.

So the final opp of 2024 is for an international platform company who make and operate external lifts for construction, window washing etc.

They have approached us as they are in the early stages of what they are calling (working title) “Levelling Up”. It’s an ad campaign where a worker gets on an external lift and in each room he passes, (movie like) scenes will be playing out. These scenes will be 100% driven by the music, but they did give examples such as “a scene in an old western bar, a rave and wrestling match” taking place in different rooms / levels. They did stress however that these are purely examples and ultimately it is your music that will drive each scene.

So what they want is music in any genre plus a suggestion of a scene you think your music will fit. So you can get really creative on this one

The ad will be 1 minute and they expect to use 6 tracks. Each track will pay $20,000 and you can get more than one placement.

You can submit up to 5 tracks. Covers are fine. Explicit lyrics are also OK and they will take tracks with vocals and / or instrumentals.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 14th of April 2025 with successful applicants being notified on or by the 21st of May 2025.


POSTED 30th November 2024

(ONSSR 069) Company name and tagline – up $100,000 for the 2

So this is a very unusual, non music opp, but frankly you would be mad to not give it a try.

An international building company who we previously supplied music to is opening a green building arm in 2025 focused on sustainable housing and commercial (green) properties.

This is at the early planning stage and what they are looking for is a company name and a tagline that embraces the sustainable and green credentials of the new company arm.

My take, by way of an example that I came up with is “Acorn Properties – Building a greener future for you and your family”. I am sure you can do better than this.

To enter this one, you literally just need to give your suggestions, like I have above, in an email marked of course with the opp number and name.

You can give up to 3 suggestions for company names and taglines. If selected, payments will be up to $100k for the company name and tagline. But the pay-out may be split if they go with a name from one person and a tagline from another.

I hope you will agree though, that this is a no brainer to have a think about and give your best shot to.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 11th of March 2025 with successful applicants being notified on or by the 11th of April 2025.


POSTED 28th November 2024

(ONSSR 068) Indie thriller needs “background” music of all genres – $10,000 per track.

A very under wraps indie movie (due to it being an Oscar nominated actors first director role) needs general music for use throughout the movie.

We were told this….

“Stuart. We have the main opening and closing tracks and we also have most of the suspense music, but what we desperately need is some really good quality music for use in scenes in shops, vehicles, on radios etc. The quality will land placements with us and not the genres. We will literally consider all tracks, music and genres, with or without vocals and covers and explicits are good with us too. Thanks as always.”

So I think that is clear. You just need to send over up to 5 submissions of what you feel are your best tracks. Quality will be what wins the day.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 23rd of May 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 30th of June 2025.


POSTED 28th October 2024

(ONSSR 067) International bike manufacturer needs tracks for TV and YouTube advertising campaign – $5,000 payment per track / partial.

This is what the manufacturers agent has given us….

“The campaign, at this point, is planned to juxtapose a journey in a car, stuck in a traffic jam against the freedom of a bike. The music we are looking for wants to do the same thing, so we are looking for up tempo and down tempo music in any genre. We will take tracks with vocals, instrumental and covers. Sorry no explicit lyrics on this one Stuart, but they can be radio edits.”

So ultimately as you can see we are looking for obviously up or down tempo tracks in any genre, with or w/o vocals, covers are fine, radio edits if your tracks are explicit and you can submit up to 3 tracks for up tempo and 3 for down.

You can get more than one placement on this one, so you can get multiple $5k payments on this opp.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 19th of April 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 17th of May 2025.


POSTED 28th October 2024

(ONSSR 066) Inside Joke track needed for 2025 movie – huge $40,000 pay-out.

This is a massive opp on many levels. A big budget movie scheduled for a fall 2025 release needs 1 track which is to be played a number of times throughout the movie with the inside joke that as the main character says “I really love this song”.

Obviously the money is really good for this placement, but this is also a chance to get your music played in a major movie many times.

All genres, tempos etc are fine, as are covers. Tracks can be with or without vocals and explicit lyrics are also OK.

This really is a massive opp and honestly, you are on a level playing field here to get your track selected.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for consideration and again, this is open to any genre. It’s an inside joke on the movie, so this is all about the track being played multiple times and not the style, tempo or genre.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 17th of April 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 6th of May 2025.


POSTED 28th October 2024

(ONSSR 065) Radio Airplay – 8 week campaign ($4,500 value) – NEW REPEATED OPP.

A major US based (but serving worldwide) radio plugger is once again offering us two more 8 week plugging campaigns worth $4,500 each. If you submitted before but did not get selected – PLEASE submit again with either fresh tracks or repeat tracks – this is 100% a reset on this opp.

The plugger will take tracks from any genres. You will of course be plugged to the relevant stations.

Explicit lyrics are acceptable, but you should consider this may affect the number of stations you are ultimately played on.

You can submit 3 tracks for consideration – they do not have to be new tracks. If it is an older track, we will just consider it a re-release.

This opp could be massive as this plugger has a huge track record.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 27th of January 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 28th of February 2025.


POSTED 17th October 2024

(ONSSR 063 & 064) Music needed for 2 different Christmas movies for release Christmas 2025 – $30,000 payment per track per movie.

Christmas music is required for 2 Holiday movies for release in time for Christmas 2025.

We don’t have any more other that literally this…

“Hi Stuart, we have 2 Christmas movies we are shooting next year and need general modern and traditional Christmas / holiday themed music for both. We have a good budget so we can offer $30k per track per use. Tracks / songs can be w or w/o vox and we will consider covers.”

So if you have Christmas music in any style, please get them across to us.

Tracks with or without vocals and covers are fine.

You can submit up to 5 tracks in total for this opp and all 5 will go across to both opps.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 30th of April 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 30th of May 2025.


POSTED 26th September 2024

(ONSSR 062) Hollywood Thriller (Movie) needs an opening track – $35,000 payment.

This is a “you have to be in it to win it” opp.

The opening of this high budget movie will see a brutal murder take place and immediately following this, the killer will calmly press play on their phone and a track will play (which will also be the opening credits).

We have been told…..”Stuart, at this point we have no idea musically what we want for the scene we have described to you. I think it is going to be one of those where we will know what we want when we hear it and therefore we don’t want to close any doors at this early stage”

So really this is, give us 3 of your very best tracks and cross your fingers. It really is that simple. Let’s get your music in front of them and hope yours is the tracks they say “yes, that’s the one” to.

So all genres, tempos etc please, covers are fine, with or without vocals and explicit lyrics are also OK.

It seems to me that ultimately they just want to show that this killer has done something terrible, but is so removed, that he can “just listen to a bit of music”.

You can submit up to 3 tracks in total for this opp. Please don’t miss out on submitting to this one – you genuinely have as much chance as anyone to land $35k and get a real PR raising placement.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 22nd of April 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 22nd of May 2025.


POSTED 26th September 2024

(ONSSR 061) Tennis (highlight) packages for international TV and YouTube – $25,000 per track.

Music is needed for international tennis highlights packages for TV and YouTube for the 4 major tournaments (US Open, Wimbledon etc) plus a host of smaller tournaments. The payments cover use on International TV and YouTube, hence the sizeable payment.

As with many other sports packages, this is no longer a call for typical victory only type tracks. This call covers any music that evokes a feeling, not limited to but including such emotions as success, failure, hope, drama, retrospection etc.

A good example (weirdly) is a recent BBC package had a cover of Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper – my thought was….OK – did not see that coming. But it does just show that a call like this is really open to anything that is good and evokes any given thought or feeling.

It’s a good paying opp and you can actually get multiple placements as the payment covers just one package and there will be over 20 in the 12 month period.

You can submit up to 5 tracks in total for this opp. Covers are welcome. Tracks w or w/o vocals are fine. Finally explicit tracks will need to be radio ready.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 11th of February 2026 HOWEVER this is an ongoing opp with successful artists / bands / writers being notified from the 20th of March 2025 onwards and then moving forward more tracks will be picked every month. So I would suggest getting your tracks in by February of 2025 so you are covered for the full 12 months that follow.



POSTED 26th September 2024

(ONSSR 060) Chinese bar chain offering $3,000 per track for music of all genres.

The Chinese music market is very interesting. There is surprisingly a lot of money in it. We have sent bands to tour China and they are very generous to western acts, big and small and this is another example of this.

A Chinese bar chain (that also serves food) needs (specifically) Western music of all genres for play in their establishments. This is 100% open to all genres, tempos and moods of music. Covers are fine, tracks can be with or without vocals, but explicit tracks will need to be edited if selected. Also, you don’t need to supply them now, but if selected we will need a copy of the lyrics as they have to be cleared by the Ministry of Culture.

Your tracks will receive a years play and you will be paid $3000 for this.

You can submit up to 5 tracks in total for this opp.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 17th of January 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 11th of February 2025.


POSTED 20th August 2024

(ONSSR 059) Holiday (Vacation) Company TV / online spring advertising campaign – $25,000 per track.

Popular in the last year or so, we have another (Holiday) Company going down the route of downbeat and upbeat tracks while showing “other companies holidays (downbeat) v their holidays (upbeat)”.

They told us “We are not tied to any specific genres, we just want a definite downbeat and upbeat feel contrasting the fun people have on our holidays compared with other companies”

So its open to pretty much all genres as long as they fit either the up or downbeat categories. Covers are acceptable and tracks can be with or without vocals – no explicit lyrics though please.

This is a good paying opp so well worth a shot.

You can submit up to 4 tracks in total for this opp.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 12th of February 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 30th of March 2025.


POSTED 20th August 2024

(ONSSR 058) Family Indie (teen) drama needs up to 25 tracks – $7,500.

We have a production company filming a family teen drama. We have worked with them before and their movies make it to the big streaming companies and will garner millions of views so its good for your bottom line (money) and profile raising.

Tracks are needed with the following themes / feelings….

Excitement, joy, fear, sorrow, sadness / reflection, chase, drama, envy, fun, pride, danger, suspense, overcoming and quirky (upbeat and downbeat quirky).

Some background music is also required for scenes (music playing in the world) in a diner, a motel, a car, headphones of a student at their lockers in school, a restaurant and a summer camp (counsellor’s office on the radio) – these will be picked on quality (not genre) and specifically they want to give unknown artists / writers and bands a break on this.

Tracks can be with or without vocals, they can have explicit lyrics and covers are fine.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this opp and one artist / writer of band can get multiple placements on this one.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 21st of February 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 17th of April 2025.



POSTED 20th August 2024

(ONSSR 057) NFL (International) highlights packages (For 2024/25 season) – $3,500 per track

As we often say, packages like this really are not longer about “we are the champions” type tracks. One of the Olympics highlights packages I watched was to a slow instrumental version of Time After Time – definitely not an obvious choice.

As sports have more and more cameras at every event, highlight packages and closing montages feature much more close ups of players and fans reactions showing a gamut of emotions. So music across pretty much all genres, tempos etc is acceptable. Vocal tracks or instrumentals and no explicit lyrics please.

And remember you literally have zero to lose by giving it a shot.

You can also submit 5 tracks to this opp.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 7th of January 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 1st of February 2025 HOWEVER you may well hear WAY before this as these packages will run from the opening games of this season right through to the final highlights package for Super Bowl LIX. So the dates you can technically hear from us, is the 1st of September 2024 onwards.



POSTED 19th July 2024

(ONSSR 056) 3 to 7 note opening and closing melodies for Far East (mobile) shopping app – $100,000 (buy out).

A new Far East (launching internationally) shopping app needs a 3 to 7 note opening audio logo / melody as well as one for the closing of the app.

Think Intel, the melody before the McDonalds “I’m lovin it” line – etc

They are looking for a “feel good” melody and the head of marketing told us that “logically we would expect somewhat that the opening and closing melodies might mirror each other, ie the opening melody may generally be a melody going up, while the closing may go down“.

That said, if something hits us as the one, then we will go with that one. Oh, and we are not looking for a traditional Asian sounding recording should any artists specifically be planning to record for this

This is a rare buy out opp, so you will be selling your melody outright – hence the sizeable payment.

Now you don’t have to professionally record your submissions for this and you can submit in 3 ways.

1 – If you have an existing track, you can pitch the track and just give the timing(s) of the melody(ies) you want pitched. It will of course need to be on your page already, so if it is not, then please send the MP3 in advance of the pitch and we will add it to your page.

2 – You can record a simple melody or even hum it in a simple recording and send it to us to upload to your page.

3 – You can of course record your pitch / pitches melodies and wend them to us.

Last couple of things, you can submit up to 3 opening and 3 closing melodies (6 in total), BUT if you only have an opening, you can submit that and if you are selected, you will just need to be happy to deliver a closing version too.

Melodies will ultimately be without vocals, but if the melody(ies) you are submitting is / are from existing songs, then the melodies can be with vocals, just know that ultimately it’s the melody and not vocals that will be used.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 15th of January 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 15th of February 2025.



POSTED 19th July 2024

(ONSSR 055) Asian (Uber type) company need 5 tracks of any genre – but must be an obvious genre – $10,000 per track.

So an Asian (Uber type) company are planning a TV and online advertising campaign where they need 5 tracks of any genre, but they must fit into an obvious genre. This may help…

The ad, will feature 5 people getting into traditional cabs and there will be loud music playing, giving the suggestion that this is not the riders choice and it is not going to make for a nice journey

The last scene will se the final rider getting into one of our cars and enjoying a quite and hassle free trip.

So what we are looking for are 5 tracks that fill the brief of (any) but obviously specific genres.

Tracks can be with or without vocals, covers are fine and lyrics can be explicit, although they will be bleeped for the advert.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this and if they cover more than one genre, then you can land multiple $10,000 per track payments.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 18th of November 2024, with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 29th of December 2024.


POSTED 10th June 2024

(ONSSR 054) YouTube Advertising Agency / Specialist – $250 to $5,000 per track.

A highly successful YouTube Advertising Agency is offering 12 months of placements to multiple campaigns paying $250 to $5,000 per track.

We have had great success in the past with placements like this. They are not huge money but they are easier to land and still provide a nice income.

Their campaigns cover almost everything – so this is about quality and not genre. Tracks with vocals or instrumentals are fine as are tracks with explicit lyrics. Covers are also fine.

You can submit 3 tracks each quarter for the next 12 months (see below).

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 10th of June 2025, however given you can submit 3 tracks this month, in September (by the 10th), in December (by the 10th) and in March (by the 10th – 2025) with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on an ongoing basis from the 24th of September 2024.



POSTED 10th June 2024

(ONSSR 053) Closing credit tracks for big budget movie – $25,000 per track.

I know these ones can be frustrating to select for, but we have another big budget movie (Thriller) that needs 3 closing credit tracks and as with many of these we need the following…

1st closing track – Dramatic / Cinematic / or up tempo dance, pop or rock etc.

2nd closing track – mid tempo – this one just needs to be a stand out track that will make the MS go “that’s the one”. As so often is the case, this is 100% quality over genre. So just give us your very best mid tempo track.

3rd / final closing track – down / slow tempo – this one again just needs to be a stand out track that will make the MS also go “that’s the one”. Again, this is 100% quality over genre. So just give us your very best slow tempo track.

Tracks w/vocals or instrumentals are fine as are covers and tracks with explicit lyrics.

You can submit up to 6 tracks and they can cover more than one genre / tempo. Payment will be $25,000 per track and yes one artist / band or writer can get more than one track placed.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 21st of January 2025 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 21st of March 2025.



POSTED 10th June 2024

(ONSSR 052) Radio Airplay – 8 week campaign ($4,500 value)

A major US based (but serving worldwide) radio plugger is offering us two 8 week plugging campaigns worth $4,500 each.

They will take tracks from any genres. You will of course be plugged to the relevant stations.

Explicit lyrics are acceptable, but you should consider this may affect the number of stations you are ultimately played on.

You can submit 3 tracks for consideration – they do not have to be new tracks. If it is an older track, we will just consider it a re-release.

This opp could be massive as this plugger has a huge track record.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 27th of September 2024 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 29th of October 2024.



POSTED 29th May 2024

(ONSSR 051) International employment agency needs tracks for YouTube campaign – $5,000 per track.

An international employment agency is planning a series of YouTube vignettes portraying (a light-hearted and slightly exaggerated) set of adverts showing the massive range of jobs they recruit across.

The tracks they need need to be “A Typical” of any genre, ie very country, very jazz, very rock, very DJ etc.

As this is early in the planning stage, they want the music first to drive the narrative on what “jobs” will be portrayed. Again remember these will be somewhat exaggerated, so they may include Cowboys, Rock-Stars, Drivers, Medical, Construction….but ultimately these will be driven potentially by YOUR tracks.

This opp is non genre specific with the tracks just needing to very representative of their genre – I hope that makes sense.

Tracks w vocals or instrumentals are fine as are covers and tracks with explicit lyrics.

You can submit up to 5 tracks and they can cover more than one genre. Payment will be $5,000 per track.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 11th of November 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 11th of December 2024.


POSTED 25th April 2024

(ONSSR 050) Hollywood (2025) Blockbuster needs 2 tracks for closing credits – $50,000 per track.

Think Marvel level movie release and you will be in the ballpark for this.

Three closing credit tracks will be used, with one already being in place. The one already sourced is a big up tempo classical track. This will lead into…

  • A mid to up tempo instrumental track – non genre specific, but must be truly high quality (covers acceptable)
  • A slow / down tempo instrumental track – non genre specific, but must be truly high quality (covers acceptable)

These 2 tracks are ultimately all about the quality and tempo and not the genre. If you have tracks WITH vocals, they will be considered but you will need to be able to either supply an instrumental version next year or work with us to have it re-recorded if your music is selected.

Finally, both of these tracks can come from the same artist, so technically you could land $100k for this opp.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for each of the tracks required, so 10 in total.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 22nd of February 2025 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 3rd of April 2025.



POSTED 25th April 2024

(ONSSR 049) Chinese real estate company needs 2 tracks for year long TV advertising campaign – $5000 per track.

This opp is also 100% about quality and tempo and not the genre.

The advert (planned at this time) has a concept of a couple and their children not being happy at all with their current home and so the track for this needs to be very much a down tempo track.

In their new home (purchased of course through this real estate company) the final scenes will feature the family loving life with an up tempo track to match their joy.

Both tracks can be with or without vocals and again it is tempo and feel as well as quality that will win the day here. Covers are definitely acceptable and again these can be Rock, Country, Pop, Dance, Hip hop etc…ANY genres.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one for each down tempo and up tempo track required, meaning again 10 in total.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 22nd of December 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 29th of January 2025.



POSTED 29th March 2024

(ONSSR 048) Indie Movie with big music budget needs “super catchy” repeating tracks – $25,000 per track.

8 partial (5 to 10 second) clips of tracks are needed for a Deja Vu / Groundhog Day type of new Thriller.

These partial tracks (across all genres) will play…

  • As the main character wakes up in his bed.
  • On the radio in his car.
  • Entering a hotel.
  • In a lift.
  • In a night club.
  • In a restaurant
  • In a gym.
  • On the radio in a warehouse.

Obviously hearing the same tracks over and over again in the same locations will hugely help portray the “repeating days” theme of this gripping thriller movie.

Tracks can literally be in all genres, covers are acceptable, as are tracks with explicit lyrics. Instrumentals are also acceptable.

This call out is all about having the MS hearing your music and thinking…Wow, now that’s a track!

$25k is on offer for each track / partial used and any artist or band can have 2 tracks featured in the movie, so in real terms $50,000 is actually up for grabs for you.

You can submit up to 5 full tracks to this opp. No need to upload separate clips, but if you do feel a specific part of a track will work, please note the timings when sending over your pitch emails.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 26th of October 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 15th of December 2024.


POSTED 29th March 2024

(ONSSR 047) International Football (Soccer) packages need tracks in many genres – $1000 to $5000 per track.

Internationally distributed Football / Soccer highlight packages require music throughout the 2024 / 2025 season. This is another opp where it is not always the obvious “we are the champions” type music that is required. Throughout the entire 24/25 season, weekly highlights packages will include moments of Victory, Defeat, Hope, Despair, Joy, Sorrow, in fact just about every emotion going. IF you are a sports fan you will totally get that!

Ultimately, what is required is tracks that will compliment an emotional package or packages and add to the feelings of the visuals. All tempos / vibes / feelings and genres are acceptable.

If selected we will need WAV’s to be able to be delivered pretty much on demand. Tracks can be with or without vocals. No explicit language on these though as they are primetime packages for TV.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one. Covers are acceptable. Please read the full submission date info below…

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 15th of March 2025 BUT with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified (ongoing) FROM the 11th of September 2024 please get your tracks in early as tracks will be selected on a weekly basis after that September date. Finally, there may be a chance to submit more tracks as the season progresses. I will keep you posted. Also if you entered tracks for this before, you will need to re-submit for next season as tracks are not being carried over from before.


POSTED 17th May 2023

(ONSSR 030) Massive YouTube Sports Channel needs various music on ongoing basis – $2k per track.

One of the biggest YouTube Sports channels needs music for ongoing highlights packages.

Your music will be considered on a monthly basis for 2 and a half years.

“Hey Stuart, the music does not need to be the obvious upbeat ‘we are the champions’ style music, as we produce daily content including funny events, news, epic fails as well as the ups and downs in sport and traditional highlights packages, so we can take tracks with or without vocals and what we want from your clients is absolutely just top notch tracks in almost any genre for ongoing consideration.”

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one at this point, but you may add 2 more tracks each quarter. Like all our opps (excluding our work with Disney), this is non exclusive so you are giving up no rights to your music.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 1st of August 2025 HOWEVER tracks submitted now and moving forward, will be considered on an ongoing basis for the next 2 and a half years. Each time a track is used, you will be notified and payment will be made.



POSTED 18th February 2024

(ONSSR 046) Big budget Hollywood Movie needs “Top Quality” opening track – $35,000.

So this is another really interesting opp. A big budget Hollywood movie requires an opening track that needs to scream quality.

The track will literally open the movie from the very first moment – all will seem good, the music will play and them bam – “an impactful event”.

So, this call out is for a (pretty much) any genre, mid to up tempo track. Instrumentals or with vocals are fine. Covers are acceptable – the only real must is it needs to be a real quality track or a stand out (potential) demo with the option to be rerecorded by you or another artist or band.

And remember, 1 track could land you $35,000 – so please don’t miss out on this.

You can submit up to 5 tracks to this opp.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 17th of July 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 21st of September 2024.



POSTED 18th February 2024

(ONSSR 045) MTV (style) Reality Show needs tracks with feeling and filler tracks – $5000 per track.

An MTV (style) reality show needs around 25 tracks which will be featured during montage scenes, scene starts and scene fades. This is another where it is 100% about the quality. Around half the tracks need to have emotional qualities / feelings about them, and the other half are literally just fillers, so these just need to be quality scene intro and outro tracks.

Tracks can be in all styles and genres, with or without vocals. Covers are acceptable.

Demos are acceptable and once again the client will either pay you to re-record if selected or have it recorded by another artist / band.

You can submit up to 5 tracks to this opp.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 1st of August 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of September 2024.



POSTED 16th January 2024

(ONSSR 044) Asian (Chinese) Restaurant Chain requires tracks for in restaurant (piped) play – $2500 per track.

So this is a really interesting opp. Collecting of royalties in China is, shall we say, challenging to say the least. So, an ethical Chinese restaurant chain is looking to pay a number of artists directly to pipe / play their “western” music in their restaurants for a 12 month period.

Tracks can be in all styles and genres, with or without vocals, but no explicit songs please. Also, if selected and if your music has lyrics, we will have to get a copy of your lyrics for clearance through the Ministry of culture.

So, ultimately this is a call out for quality, clean tracks, in all genres for a very simple $2500 per track and you can submit 5 tracks with up to 3 tracks being potentially chosen per artist / band meaning you could actually land $7500 in total.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 3rd of April 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of May 2024.



POSTED 16th January 2024

(ONSSR 043) Mobile (phone) game (Bingo Style) requires 20 tracks across all genres – $2000 per track.

The style and tone of this music is not as important as it’s ability to be able to be looped. This bingo style action match game is also theme based and so with limitless levels (and themes), tracks can be fast slow, downbeat, upbeat….the only 2 requirements are great quality and loopability.

The loopable section can be anything from 5 seconds to 2 minutes, so hopefully you will have something that will fit.

Tracks do not need to be cut (at this stage) – on pitching, we just need your suggested section mentioned with start and finish times.

Tracks can be with or without vocals, but no explicit lyrics on this please. You can submit 5 tracks and technically any artist can be selected 5 times (5 different tracks of course) with a total payment of $10,000.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 29th of May 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 27th of June 2024.



POSTED 30th November 2023

(ONSSR 042) Video game (driving) requires 100 tracks across all genres – up to $5000 per track.

“Hey Stuart…..we’re back! We are well into the development of a new driving game in which (as standard) there will be in car radio system with about 15 different stations, each themed to specific genres with a couple of mixed genre stations too. We have a really good budget for the music as it will be a big part of the game experience. We would love to include music from you clients again, as you have served us so well in the past”.

So what we need here is once again ALL about the quality. We can literally take everything from Thrash Metal to Classical. Instrumentals are also fine and we can take tracks with explicit lyrics as well.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for consideration by them for this opp and you can potentially get up to 3 placements. Remember, the game will display your details EVERY time your tracks are played, so this is not only a great payday, but this is also a great chance to raise your profile and pick up new fans.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 28th of May 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 15th of June 2024.



POSTED 30th November 2023

(ONSSR 041) Streaming True Crime Series needs music in all genres – $3000 to $3500 per track.

A major streaming network, is releasing a huge new True Crime series, currently filming. The show will include numerous reconstructions surrounding a single case in each episode and thus tracks of all genres will be required for all the day to day scenarios being portrayed.

“We literally need music for everything Stuart. Hotels, homemakers out and about as well as at home, transportation (taxis, private vehicles etc), sports bars, work scenes. This really is every scenario you will hear music in your day to day life. Therefore, all genres are required, so it is 100% quality that will get your artists placements and payments. Non explicits though please and of course instrumentals are also fine”.

With the above in mind, we want your very very best tracks please and we of course welcome all tempos / vibes / feelings and genres.

You can submit up to 7 tracks for this one and an artist / writer can have up to 5 placements through out the series. If they really like an artists material, both these figures may be extended.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 25th of April 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 22nd of May 2024.



POSTED 30th November 2023

(ONSSR 040) International NFL Superbowl TV packages need tracks in many genres – $2500 per track.

Internationally distributed Superbowl highlight packages require music for this seasons Superbowl. As with the UK Soccer Opp, this is another opp where it is not always the obvious “we are the champions” type music that is required. International packages will include moments from the game of Victory, Defeat, Hope, Despair, Joy, Sorrow, in fact just about every emotion going. Again as before, IF you are a sports fan you will totally get that!

Ultimately, what is required is tracks that will compliment an emotional package or packages and add to the feelings of the visuals. All tempos / vibes / feelings and genres are acceptable.

If selected we will need WAV’s to be able to be delivered within 48 hours of selection. Tracks can be with or without vocals. No explicit language on these though as they are primetime packages for TV on global markets.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 11th of January 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 21st of January 2024.



POSTED 26th October 2023

(ONSSR 039) Major Hollywood drama requires 3 closing tracks and up to 10 in movie tracks – $25,000 per track.

This “family” drama requires an initial closing track signifying the final coming together of two formerly estranged parties. The next 2 tracks for the rest of the credits are literally open to ALL genres. It is 100% down to the quality of the tracks. They literally told us “anything from Country to Death Metal!”

10 additional tracks need to fall into the following “feelings” or “themes” of various scenes.

Scenes needing background music include…

  • Happiness
  • Loss
  • Anger
  • Resolution
  • Contemplation
  • Drama
  • Intensity
  • Searching
  • Chase
  • Break Up

Finally there are 5 further tracks required which are the usual tracks playing in the background, on radios, in shops etc. These are 100% open to all genres and for these were were told “Quality will 100% land these final placements. No need to overthink, just give us your artists stand out tracks.

Tracks can be with vocals or instrumentals and tracks can have explicit lyrics.

You can submit up to 7 tracks for this one and a band / artist can land more than one placement in this movie, so technically one artist or band could land up to $150k.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 1st of April 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of May 2024.



POSTED 26th October 2023

(ONSSR 038) International TV highlights packages for 2024 Olympics need tracks in all genres – $4,000 per track.

Opps like this no longer require the obvious “celebration music” but instead need tracks with or without vocals that convey emotion. They can be light or dark, upbeat or soulful etc.

International highlight packages will include success, failure, happiness, despair and everything in between and when you remember that the Paris Olympics next year will include breaking, sport climbing, skateboarding and surfing, then the music needed really is no longer traditional and much more open to everyone. You just need to be able to imagine where it could fit in!

As mentioned, tracks can be with vocals or instrumentals but tracks with vocals must not have explicit lyrics and again – ALL genres are welcome.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one and a band / artist can land more than one placement in these packages, so once again, technically one artist or band could land up to $20k.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 17th of March 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 17th of May 2024.



POSTED 10th September 2023

(ONSSR 037) International (boat) Cruise company requires 5 tracks – $10,000 per track.

A spring advertising campaign for an international cruise company requires 5 tracks of very different genres as the campaign is all about boat cruises no longer being what people traditionally think they are. Cruises are now aimed at, well, just about everyone.

So for this campaign the music is definitely to come first (actually prior to filming) as the 5 tracks selected will shape the guests chosen to feature in the campaign.

So there are only 2 rules.

1) The tracks must be of a specific genre / type – i.e they should scream Hip Hop, Rock, Jazz, Country, EDM, Classical etc – not just limited to what I have listed of course.

2) No explicit lyrics.

You can submit up to 5 tracks and the 5 can come from multiple genres. This is 100% about the obvious genre / style connection and the quality.

And again to confirm, it is the music that will shape the advert, so if you have quality and the genre / style specific tracks, you have an excellent chance at a single or multiple placements.

Tracks can be instrumental or with vocals.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 20th of Jan 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 13th of March 2024.



POSTED 10th September 2023

(ONSSR 036) Dark (comedy) Horror requires around 15 tracks for background in scenes – $15,000 per track. DATE EXTENDED DUE TO STRIKE

Apart from a couple of scenes, these are not tracks that will be driven by the scenes, they are more traditional background music playing on the radio, in a restaurant etc, so it is quality that will win the day.

Scenes still needing background music include…

  • Interior of an RV
  • Interior of a Diner
  • Exterior of a Gas Station (radio playing)
  • Interior of a cabin.
  • Radio playing in “camp setting”
  • Music playing in a lift / elevator.
  • Music coming from with a bar
  • Music playing in a restaurant.
  • Radio playing in a factory.
  • Music playing in a Gym

Some of these locations will be repeated and different tracks will be playing each time.

Tracks can be with vocals or instrumentals and tracks can have explicit lyrics.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one and a band / artist can land more than one placement in this movie, so technically one artist or band could land up to $75k.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 23rd of Feb 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of April 2024.



POSTED 23rd August 2023

(ONSSR 035) Indie Movie requires 3 tracks for closing credits – $25,000 per track. DATE EXTENDED DUE TO STRIKE

I hate using the word non descript, but that was the exact phrase given to us.

We have been asked to supply three “top quality” (non descript) tracks for the closing / credit tracks on a 2024 indie movie (worldwide) release. The 3 tracks are as follows….

  • 1 mid to fast tempo
  • 1 mid tempo
  • 1 mid to slow tempo

Genre is irrelevant, it is purely the quality and the tempo.

That is literally it. Can be with or without vocals and it is 100% about the quality.

So for the 5 minutes it will take to submit, you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one. Just submit your 5 best quality tracks that will blow them away and land you the $25k per track.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 7th of March 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 15th of May 2024.



POSTED 20th July 2023

(ONSSR 034) Asian Restaurant Chain needs 4 to 5 second melody – up to $75,000.

So here is a huge and relatively simple request, but is is specific. A Far East restaurant chain are doing some new branding for 2024 and require a 4 to 5 second melody to fit their new tagline.

We can’t give the actual tagline / lyrics, as they will be unveiling this with the launch of the campaign, but I can give you the total number of notes and the phrasing.

You can either give us…

“A, B, C ….. Taking it to the D”. This means there are 3 one syllable words, a brief pause and then a 2 syllable word and then 4 more 1 syllable words.


“A, B, C-D ….. Taking it to the E”. This means there are 2 one syllable words and one 2 syllable word (the C-D bit), a brief pause and then a 2 syllable word and then 4 more 1 syllable words.

I really hope that is clear? Believe you me, this was a fun skype call with lots of embarrassing humming! Hopefully this does explain the phrasing and of course, tempo wise, you will know that, given it wants to be around the 4 second mark in total.

What they want initially is the melody, so you don’t have to do a huge production, you can literally hum your melody or do a simple single instrument recording. As long as it fits the brief, the winning melody will then be recorded fully either by yourself or a third party.

You can submit up to 4 tracks / melodies for this one. If you do, by chance, happen to have a clip from an existing track that fits, then you can of course give us the timing, or send up a cut version. No rush as such on this one, so you can take a little time to come up with something really catchy.

DATE CHANGE – CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 17th of Jan 2024 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of May 2024.



POSTED 12th July 2023

(ONSSR 033) International Football (Soccer) packages need tracks in many genres – $1000 to $5000 per track.

Internationally distributed Football / Soccer highlight packages require music throughout the 2023 / 2024 season. This is another opp where it is not always the obvious “we are the champions” type music that is required. Throughout the entire 23/24 season, weekly highlights packages will include moments of Victory, Defeat, Hope, Despair, Joy, Sorrow, in fact just about every emotion going. IF you are a sports fan you will totally get that!

Ultimately, what is required is tracks that will compliment an emotional package or packages and add to the feelings of the visuals. All tempos / vibes / feelings and genres are acceptable.

If selected we will need WAV’s to be able to be delivered pretty much on demand. Tracks can be with or without vocals. No explicit language on these though as they are primetime packages for TV.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one. Please read the full submission date info below…

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 15th of March 2024 BUT with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified (ongoing) FROM the 11th of September 2023 please get your tracks in early as tracks will be selected on a weekly basis after that September date. Finally, there may be a chance to submit more tracks as the season progresses. I will keep you posted.



POSTED 30th June 2023

(ONSSR 032) Light / Family targeted Animal Documentary Series Needs Music – $500 to $1000 per track.

A small but nice opp comes to us in the form of a animal documentary series, being filmed as we speak, needs music that “fits animal antics”. This will included…

  • Light Hearted
  • Tense
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Chasing
  • Stalking

Given the family target audience, the animals will range across wild animals as well as domestic pets. Over the series there will be hundreds of clips and hundreds of tracks.

Track “feels or vibes” are not limited to those listed above, if you have a track or part of a track, please simply give us the details as normal, but in this case for each track, please suggest the feel or vibe you feel the track / partial would evoke.

You can submit up to 7 tracks for this one.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 15th of November 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of February 2024.



POSTED 17th May 2023

(ONSSR 031) Major Hollywood Movies needs various tracks – $15k to $50k per track.

A Major Hollywood movie (A list cast) requires tracks in the following categories…

  • Upbeat (Bright)
  • Ominous / Tense
  • Chase Music
  • Mid tempo (Credit music)
  • Upbeat / Victory (Credit Music)
  • 2 x Downbeat contemplation scene music
  • Non descript (all about the quality) background music (any genre) for Restaurant scene.
  • Non descript (all about the quality) background music (any genre) for 3 car (radio) scenes.
  • Non descript (all about the quality) background music (any genre) for radio playing by the pool scene.
  • Music blasting in a teenagers bedroom scene.

The movies is set for a April 2024 release and closing dates for submissions are November 10th 2023.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 10th of November 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of December 2023.



POSTED 12th April 2023

(ONSSR 029) Trendy Watch company “watches for all” campaign – $5k each – 5 tracks will be used.

An international and very trendy watch company is working of a campaign with the working title of “watches for all”. They require tracks that paint a picture of a person, meaning tracks should be a very definitive genre “sound” that shouts this is a cowboys music, this is a drivers music, this is a mums music etc and they will in turn tie it in to a character and their watch.

So if you have a track or tracks that scream a specific “style” then that is what we need.

This ad campaign is 100% being built around the music. So it really is a very landable pitch if your music has the quality they need.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one. Only snippets will be used, but the company will decide on those from the full track.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 1st of September 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of October 2023.



POSTED 12th April 2023

(ONSSR 028) Mobile game company needs catchy music for new game – $5k each – 3 tracks will be used.

Instrumentals only for this one please (although you can submit tracks with vocals as long as you can provide an instrumental version if you are selected).

A bright track is required as background to a new mobile (game) app. Open to any genre and the only limitation is minimum of two minutes or if under 2 minutes, it needs to be a track that will obviously loop.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one as long as they are bright in feel and tempo.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 12th of September 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 12th of October 2023.



POSTED 12th April 2023

(ONSSR 027) Big Budget Indie Movie needs 2 quality tracks for closing credits – $10k each.

These 2 tracks will follow the very dramatic close to an indie movie scheduled for an early 2024 release. The tracks can be any mid tempo genre, with or without vocals although at the moment we are leaning towards instrumentals. The quality of the track will be what sells it to us.

we have come back to One Night Stand as having taken tracks from you before, we know you only bring us top quality tracks, so we thank you in advance once again…

You can submit up to 3 tracks for this one and given the nature of the any genre call, please make this your very very best tracks!

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 17th of November 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 10th of December 2023.



POSTED 14th March 2023

(ONSSR 026) Indie Thriller needs medium to upbeat track for opening – $35k.

An indie production company requires a medium to upbeat track with or without vocals and in any genre, for the opening of a late 2023 Thriller release. The track pays a very substantial $35k and it is NON exclusive.

…the tone / lyrical content (if any) of the track is not important here, we simply require a medium to upbeat track. The track will end with what we can best describe as a *melt with the track slowing down and melting away to mirror what is happening in the opening scene“.

(* IMPORTANT NOTE – Production company will create the melt effect)

“…we are open to all genres but no profanity please. Finally, MP3’s initially, but if one of your artists is selected for the movie, we will need a final delivered WAV before the year is out. Thanks”

You can submit up to 3 tracks for this one and given the nature of the any genre call, please make this your very very best tracks!

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 28th of October 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 14th of December 2023.



POSTED 1st March 2023

(ONSSR 025) Major International Tech Firm needs App opening and closing audio logo – $15,000 (each) for 2 snippets / sound logos.

A major international tech company will be launching a brand new “location” app and requires and opening and closing snippet / sound logo. Maximum length for each clip is 3 seconds.

Our instructions were “in an ideal world, the open and closing sounds for the app will be connected in tone and feel, for instance one 5 or 7 note melody may go up, while the second may be similar, but going down. This said, if one of your artists has a catchy snippet for either the opening or closing sound of the app, then we are happy to work with them on a re-record and a creation of 2 linked audio logos. With this in mind, clips of existing tracks with no vocals are absolutely acceptable.

Artists / bands / writers can submit either an app opening snippet / audio logo, an app closing snippet / audio logo or both. Please just tell us which is which.

Artists / bands / writers can submit up to 5 snippets for the opening and up to 5 for the closing.

The payment is a pleasant $15,000 PER snippet / audio logo and if re-records are needed, you will be compensated for your additional time / costs.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 21st of August 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 28th of September 2023.



POSTED 23rd February 2023

(ONSSR 024) Major International Make Up Brand – $10,000 (each) for 2 tracks.

A major international make up brand requires 2 pieces of music for a huge online video advertising campaign. The campaign has the working title of “One Make up…a hundred looks”.

We have been asked to pitch “one downbeat and one upbeat track“….”the tracks are not required to be genre specific, they just need to be broadcast quality with one track being definitively downbeat and the other upbeat

Artists / bands / writers can submit either downbeat tracks, upbeat tracks or both. And although it will be obvious, do please let us know which category each submission is for.

Artists / bands / writers can submit up to 3 tracks for the upbeat track and up to 3 tracks for the downbeat track. Tracks can be with or without vocals.

The payment is a very nice $10,000 PER TRACK and the online video advert will also credit both tracks, so this could be a really great promotional tool too.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 17th of July 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 17th of September 2023.



POSTED 25th January 2023

(ONSSR 023) Thriller (Movie) needs earworm – $20,000 for one snippet/partial.

This is a really interesting one.

A thriller to be released early in 2024 needs an earworm (ie an almost annoyingly, stick with you), few seconds of music, that will repeat throughout the movie.

The melody will be played in a lift, on the radio, as a phone ringtone. The idea is to convey the stalking theme of the film.

The main requirements are the piece should be :-

  • Around 5 seconds long.
  • VERY catchy
  • Easily transposed to a lift / elevator, radio, ringtone, keeping the same melody, but perhaps with different instrumentation (done by others later).

You just have to deliver the catchy snippet, which can be part of an existing track or a stand alone partial.

The payment is a very acceptable $20,000 and it is of course non exclusive, so you are giving up no rights.

You can submit up to 5 snippets / partials or full tracks with the section you want considered noted to us, for this one.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 27th of August 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 15th of November 2023.



POSTED 25th January 2023

(ONSSR 022) Superbowl (International TV packages) – $10,000 for one full track.

International TV windup packages of the Superbowl requires one track that conveys emotion.

Now the “emotion” mentioned may not be the obvious. Check out the BBC closing montage aired at the end of last years world cup…….. – definitely not an obvious choice.

The deadline is short on this one, so please get your submissions over. Quality and emotion will land this.

The payment is a very nice $10,000 and once again it is non exclusive, so you are as always, giving up no rights.

You can submit 2 full ready to go tracks for this opp thanks.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 7th of February 2023 (no extensions sorry) with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 10th of February 2023.



POSTED 9th January 2023

(ONSSR 021) Asian phone network needs 5 seconds of music – $50,000 for audio sound logo.

An Asian phone network is launching a series of TV Advertisements in Q3 and Q 4 of 2023 and throughout 2024 all of which are to be tied in with a 5 second audio sound logo which they hope will become synonymous with their brand.

The 5 seconds of audio needs to to be bright, original and most importantly catchy. Think (not in style but concept) of the McDonalds “duh duh duh duh duh…I’m loving it” – but in this case no vocals, just a super catchy 5 seconds of melody.

The payment is a massive $50,000 with a potential ongoing royalty too.

You can submit up to 5 pieces for this. Please either submit 5 second snippets or existing tracks noting where the 5 seconds, you want considered, starts and ends.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 15th of May 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of June 2023.



POSTED 24th November 2022

(ONSSR 020) International brand 2023 advertising campaign – $5,000 per track.

An international brand is planning an international TV advertising campaign built around “light and dark”. By this they need you to picture an older lady sitting knitting (with music playing) and then the same lady jet skiing (again with music playing). In the same vein, a gentleman reading on a rocking chair and then in the next scene parachuting. So as you can imagine the music for these scenes is all about contrast, down beat and up beat, melancholy and exciting, light and dark.

So you are welcome to send us over any tracks that fall in either category of light or dark, upbeat or downbeat etc.

Payment is $5,000 for each track used, and you can get multiple placements and therefore multiple payments. Its open to all genres, with or without vocals, but no explicit lyrics please – radio edits only in that case.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this one and again it is quality not genre that will win the placement here.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 15th of March 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of May 2023.



POSTED 19th October 2022

(ONSSR 019) Franchise movie closing credits music needed – $7,500 per track.

If you have ever sat through the credits of films such as Marvel movies etc, you will know the closing credits will often include 2 or 3 tracks of varying genres. A major Franchise movie company we are working with need exactly this for a summer blockbuster scheduled for release next summer. The only brief given it is for closing credits is it needs to be a “truly quality track”. So this is a very open call out.

Payment is $7,500 for each track used, which is definitely a nice payday

You can submit up to 3 tracks for this one and again it is quality not genre that will win the placement here.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 1st of March 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 27th of April 2023.



POSTED 19th October 2022

(ONSSR 018) Major video (open world) game requires tracks of all genres for in car and in store radio – $5,000 per track

A major 2023 video game release (think Fortnite / GTA) requires numerous tracks across all genres for play when game characters are in car (radio) and instore. These types of games (especially when in car) will have numerous in game radio stations across all genres. Tracks should be a maximum of 5 minutes but if longer they will just be faded out, so that’s just so you have the heads up.

Tracks can be with / or without vocals and explicit lyrics are fine in this case.

You can submit up to 5 tracks for this opp.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 11th of March 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 1st of May 2023.



POSTED 8th September 2022

(ONSSR 017) True Crime (Documentary Reconstruction) series needs music for entire new season – $2,000 per track / per use.

A new season of a popular true crime series requires background and scene appropriate music of all genres to go along with their recreations of murder stories.

With over 20 new episodes due to air next year, if you have seen these types of shows you will know that ambient music is played along with “featured” music in recreations of everything from bars to sports arenas, in car and in house and more.

At this point we are being asked to submit across all genres, however early next year extra genre specific requests may come in.

Right now it is all about quality, and tracks with and without vocals can be submitted.

Up to 3 tracks can be submitted and should the extra genre specific requests for specific scenes come in, you will be able to submit additional tracks over the current 3 track threshold.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 1st of February 2023 with successful artists / bands / artists / writers being notified on or by the 4th of April 2023.



POSTED 8th September 2022

(ONSSR 016) Major US Realty Company (Estate Agents) require catchy tracks for a series of “story telling” television adverts. $5,000 per track / per use.

While the planned adverts are not restricted by genre, the tone of the tracks need to bring / build up feelings of hope, positivity, joy, possibility, celebration, “feel good” etc.

SELECTED tracks will need to be WITHOUT vocals, but if your tracks are with vocals they can submitted as long as you are able to deliver instrumental versions down the line.

Up to 5 tracks can be submitted for this one.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 17th of January 2023 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 11th of February 2023. Instrumentals would need to be deliverable one month later (ie mid March).



POSTED 5th August 2022

(ONSSR 015) Christian Film Company requires (non religious) positive tracks for numerous 2023 movies. $2,500 per track per use.

A Christian film company requires positive tracks for use in a number of films scheduled for release in 2023.

Very important, the tracks are not to be religious, they are just to be positive in tone, melody or lyrics and yes, even metal, hip hop etc can be positive in tone.

So if any of your tracks have a “good feel” about them, then these guys would love to take a listen.

Open to all genres, with or without vocals and of course no explicit lyrics.

Up to 3 tracks which, at this point, is for potential placements and to also open the door to you to show your quality to a very successful and very busy film company for potential further interactions down the line.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 7th of December 2022 with successful artists / bands / writers being notified on or by the 1st of March 2023.



POSTED 5th August 2022

(ONSSR 014) Up to $25k for 2 seconds of music!

A large and expanding tech company is planning an international campaign which will include a new “2 seconds of music which we hope will become synonymous with our brand”.


We give this example NOT FOR STYLE, but to give you an idea of what is required….

A catchy “very short” clip that has the ability to eventually become the sound of this brand.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: There are 2 ways to submit to this, you can either submit a track / tracks that include the snippet you want considered. Please tell us approximately where the 2 or 3 seconds appears in the track. Or you can submit new bespoke clips.

We can take up to 5 tracks / partials / snippets or up to 5 bespoke submissions per artist or any combination of the 2.

The chosen track will land the artist up to $25,000 for their track / clip.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS OPP IS THE 30th of December 2022 with the successful artist being notified on or by the 1st of February 2023.

It probably goes with out saying but the only 3 rules are no samples, no vocals (on the snippet / clip itself) and all genres are on the table. Demos are also 100% fine.

Finally, if required and if you are successful, we will pay for a final re-recording should your clip be from an existing track or the demo of a new clip.

This will be a massive payday for 1 lucky artist.

Good luck, we can’t wait to hear what you have for us.




POSTED 24th June 2022

(Ref ONSSR 013) International Advertising Agency looking for long term relationships with artists – $1,000 to $5,000 per track.

A very prestigious International Advertising Agency is looking to build ongoing relationships with selected artists. They work with International hotels, sports channels, fast food chains, high end car companies and much much more. They place a lot of tracks every year and pay very well indeed, and all their placements are non exclusive.

They use music from ALL genres but no explicit lyrics please. Instrumentals are of course fine too.

To get your foot in the door with them, they are looking initially purely to hear your quality, so no need to find a match at this point, just select up to 5 tracks that show them why they should work with you!

Most of their placements pay between $1,000 to $5,000 per track


Artists whose music is selected will be notified on or by January 8th 2023, however it is possible you may get a yes before then.




POSTED 24th June 2022

(Ref ONSSR 012) Numerous Tracks needed for World Cup (Soccer) TV / Online coverage – $2,000 per track.

International broadcaster requires tracks for World Cup (soccer) packages on TV and online.

There is no limitation on genres, but music needs to fall in to the categories of music that suggests / emotes Success, Victory, Failure, Hope, Action, Drama, Winning, Losing etc.

Instrumental and tracks with vocals are fine, but vocals would ideally need to again cover one of the above themes, even if it is just a single line of vocals that are potentially isolated for use.

Selected artists will be paid $2,000 per track and this opp is also 100% non exclusive.


Artists whose music is selected will be notified on or by November 8th 2022.



POSTED 16th May 2022

(Ref ONSSR 011) Numerous Tracks needed for Network Crime Series – $1,500 per track.

Although we can’t tell you which show this is, if you think ongoing series like CSI, 911, The Blacklist etc, then you will not go far wrong.

Required are a lot (a seasons worth) of genre defining tracks, ie country tracks that 100% scream country, hip hop that sound nothing more than out and hip hop and rock tracks that make you bang your head. If you watch shows like this you will always hear a huge array of tracks that “just fit”. A classic of this is the use of Back in the New York Groove as an opening track for one of The Blacklist season openers.

So simply put, what is required is quality tracks that really carry the flag for the genre required.

Tracks across all genres are fine but no explicit lyrics please – also beats and instrumentals are welcome .

Selected artists will be paid $1,500 per track and this opp is also 100% non exclusive.


Artists whose music is selected will be notified no later than May 15th 2023 but if successful you MAY hear before then.




POSTED 4th May 2022

(Ref ONSSR 010) 2 Tracks needed for US TV campaign for major car company – $1,000 per track.

This is a fun opp with a nice pay-out.

The idea for the commercial as it stands, is a son borrowing a fathers car. A the end of the advert, the father will be back in his car, “where he belongs”, and all is good until he presses play on his music console – let’s just say what plays is “not his style”.

Two diverse tracks and styles of music are required, but of course, you can just supply one if your music only exists in one genre. So ultimately we / they are looking for tracks that portray a very specific genre. ie a few seconds of a track will leave the viewer in no doubt that the music is metal, DJ, Country, Classical etc.

Genres DO NOT MATTER – what matters is your track shouts musically, what genre it is in.

Selected artists will be paid $1,000 per track and this opp is also 100% non exclusive.

Tracks with vocals and instrumentals are both welcome. You can submit up to 3 tracks for this opp and they can be in the same genre or different ones.


Artists whose music is selected will be notified on / by December 1st 2022.



POSTED 24th March 2022

(Ref ONSSR 009) Tracks needed for fast food chain US TV campaign – $2,000

This is an interesting opp. The proposed campaign includes a family (initially) largely ignoring each other in a fast food restaurant.

At least 2 of the family members have headphones in and viewers will hear a few seconds of the music they are listening to.

This means this opp is 100% about the quality of the track and NOT the genre. If you have a 5 second track that really shows off your genre, then that’s what they are looking for and you could be in for a nice payday.

Selected artists will be paid $2,000 per track and this opp is also 100% non exclusive.

Tracks with vocals and instrumentals are both welcome. You can submit up to 3 tracks for this opp.


Artists whose music is selected will be notified on / by September 14th 2022.



POSTED 24th March 2022

(Ref ONSSR 008) Tracks needed for family drama (movie) – $2,500 per track / per use

A family drama being filmed this summer requires tracks that bring to mind the following….

Joy, Sadness, Anger, Loss, Fear, Betrayal, Redemption, Love, Hope, Regret, Grief and Jealousy.

This opp may well be updated later on with actual scene descriptions, but for now, we just have required themes.

Selected artists will be paid $2,500 per track / per use for their music and the opp is 100% non exclusive.

Tracks with vocals and instrumentals are both welcome. You can submit up to 5 tracks for this opp.


Artists whose music is selected will be notified on / by January 16th 2023.


POSTED 7th March 2022

(Ref ONSSR 007) Music required for International Airlines inflight entertainment channel – $500 per track

A major international airline requires music of all genres for their inflight entertainment channels. These tracks will be added to their new “Introducing” Channel.

The Introducing channel is mainly audio (ie stationary graphics), so if you are selected, we only need to supply on your behalf, your music and either an artist photo or piece of artwork.

Selected artists will be paid $500 per track for their music and it will appear on the airlines inflight introducing channel for 12 months. This is a very nice paid promotion for the successful artists.

Tracks with vocals and instrumentals are both welcome.


Artists whose music is selected will be notified on / by October 29th 2022.



POSTED 10th February 2022

(Ref ONSSR 006) Music required for indie rom / com – $2,000 per track

A large indie production company have a film, in post production, for which they require music for 3 specific scenes. The music is semi-incidental in as much it is “Featured Background” music.

The 3 scenes are;

  • Music playing in a cab ride.
  • Music playing in a non themed bar
  • and Music playing on the radio while the love interest (male) cooks.

Given the nature of the scenes, the music request is not genre specific and is therefore a general call out.


Artists whose music is placed will be notified on / by July 21st 2022.



POSTED 10th February 2022

(Ref ONSSR 005) Music required for Mobile / Phone games – $1,500 per track

A popular mobile gaming company have 3 games that all require a 15 to 30 track (or partial) that can be looped (relatively seamlessly). The music will not relate to the game itself (I know that makes almost no sense) but if you imagine a lot of mobile games in the “match 3” genre, this is 100% about a catchy loop and not a genre or style. Tracks must be instrumental only or the section of a full vocal song with no vocals in that section.


Artists whose music is placed will be notified on / by June 1st 2022.




(Ref ONSSR 004) Music required for indie horror movie filming Summer 2022 – $2,000 per track

An indie horror movie scheduled for filming in the summer of 2022 requires incidental movie music covering suspense, love (yes a love song is required in this horror movie), various chase scenes, loss, triumph etc.

Also and most importantly, 1 part of a track will keep playing on a radio, on a record player and on a music box multiple times throughout the film.

The genre is completely unimportant, what is vital is 3 to 4 seconds of a track that is very catchy / memorable in the melody line.


Artists whose music is placed will be notified on / by September 17th 2022.



POSTED 27th DECEMBER 2021 / Updated 21st JANUARY 2022

Starting January 3rd we will be pitching One Night Stand (sync) Roster artists to the following opps…

  • (Ref ONSSR 001) NFL Highlights packages (For 2022/23 season) – Tracks are usually instrumentals and generally upbeat / driving tracks.
  • (Ref ONSSR 002) A major hotel brand for a US advertising campaign – 8 partial tracks of very different genres will pay around the theme of the hotels offering something for everyone. All genres, vocals and instrumentals.
  • (Ref ONSSR 003) A leading footwear brand – Director / MS sent the message of “Looking for something catchy in any genre. We will know the right track when we hear it. Mid and Uptempo please Stuart


Artists whose music is placed will be notified on / by April 1st 2022.
